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Offshore Platforms

The offshore platform industry faces two main challenges: maximizing production by reducing downtime and minimizing operational costs while maintaining the safety of the platform. Strapbinder products and services minimize operational costs with corrosion resistant products while delivering long-life service and high reliability. We deliver products for applications used on hose assemblies, piping insulation, cable bundling, control box mounting, equipment securement and identification systems.

100ft Plastic Totes

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100ft Self Dispensing Coils

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200ft Economy Coils for Light Duty Applications

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Battery Powered Tensioning Tools

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ID Tags

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Mill Wound Coils

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Mounting Plates

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Portable Strap Dispenser ST400

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Pow'r-Wrap Tool

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Pow’r-Tight™ Clamp

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Screwbinder™ Buckles

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Sign Brackets

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Specialty Seals

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Specialty Tools

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Spin Tight Tools

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Stainless Steel Banding & Ear Buckle Kits

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Stainless Steel Banding & Wing Seal Kits

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Wing Seals

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