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Sign & Traffic Control

Strapbinder supplies stainless steel products to mount and secure signs, traffic signals, traffic and toll cameras and control boxes for city and town municipalities, rural and highway roads. The stainless steel banding, buckles, wing seals and sign brackets offer ease of installation on round, square and irregular mounting surfaces of post and poles. The ease of installation, corrosion resistance, strength along with UV, fire and extreme temperature resistance make stainless steel banding a preferred securement solution.

Sign Brackets

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100ft Self Dispensing Coils

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200ft Economy Coils for Light Duty Applications

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Mill Wound Coils

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Spin Tight Tools

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Specialty Tools

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Wing Seals

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Screwbinderâ„¢ Buckles

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Stainless Steel Banding & Wing Seal Kits

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Stainless Steel Banding & Ear Buckle Kits

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